Battle for Rikal IV

Do you enjoy reading large indepth battle reports? Look no further and download the entire PDF of the Battle of Rikal IV here!

You can find the playtest rules for game 3 here

Monday, March 30, 2009

Defence laser complete

After spending a bit of time on it the defence laser (Yes I know the american spelling is defense but I spell it the GW way because of how people do searches) it is finished .. mostly

It's a fairly simple paintjob, I just spray paint black and then dry brush gun metal followed by dark brown.. Then I detail it a bit

It still needs some autocannons and a big banner

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Mega battle terrain

In preparation for our big final battle on may 30th ive begun making a ton of terrain specific for this game.. Most of it is apocalypse but a lot can be used in average games

Here is the start of my defence laser. The base is a wood board and I went to the hardware shop and got random cheap plumbing pieces to make the base of the weapon. The upper portion where troops can sit and use the lascannons is from an old GI joe base I had.. as you can see I added cities of death bits to it as well

The turret was a large pipe and I put a cockpick from some toy on the end to focus the laser before shootingThis next one also uses a huge gatling cannon from a GI joe toy.. repainted of course . It's going to be a Super Vulcan mega bolter which goes inside the building its pictured with

Keep in mind most of these require the paint jobs to be finished! Here is our power station, i used the large portion of the GI joe bases, cut off parts and added some cool lightbulbs

A research building with built in gatling defense cannon (smaller than the previous one)

A platform for anti-air defense

Thursday, March 26, 2009

First battle report almost done

Ive been working for the entire week on this 35ish page campaign booklet which includes the first battle report, rules and backstory for our games. I tried to make it not just a simple battle report but something that would be interesting and fun to read.

For anyone interested you can find the *almost* done file here Battle for Rikal IV. It is around 32 pages but its a very quick read due to having more pictures than actual text

Im waiting on some more fluff before I finish it up and release it for more to see

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Datasheets from our custom Apoc game

So far I have 17 pages done of the PDF that will be the battle report + all the rules and backstory of the mini-campaign. It's a lot of work, but now I have a system so its getting easier

I figure I'll post the datasheets for the special characters we're using as they are what got people the most excited.

This one is Dante's Wing, basically it's Dante's personal honor guard which are some of the most skilled marines in the entire chapter. At 60 points a model they better be!

This is Moriar the Chosen who they left out of the newest codex (Or pamphlet basically). He's supposed to be the baddest Furioso around, so as you'll notice he has old school and new school rules mixed with an ironclad. Both of these are my paint jobs (You can see all of these in my flickr gallery)I'll post more tommorrow! We have Orks, Tau and Chaos still left

- Kirasu

Sunday, March 22, 2009


I've decided to stop posting everything to multiple websites such as my pictures and put them all on this one blog. This is much easier for me to handle.

Last wednesday we did a massive 15k a side apocalypse game which is game 2 of a 3 game story arc. The previous game was also 15k a side yet very different in the mission we played. At the end of may we'll be doing the final battle of this series which will be 20k a side!

Luckily, our apoc games run very smoothly because it's only around 4 of us who don't argue or waste time. Very soon I'm going to have the battle report for game 1 up and done. It's taking forever because I want it to be high quality and I was quite busy with many other activities. After that I'm going to get game 2 up, and then of course the grand finale game 3 in the next few months after the game.

For now I'm simply going to post pictures of my models and the events that they partake in.

This is the battle board for game #1. Dimensions were 12x6. It may seem a bit small but our apoc games generally only allow 1/3rd of your force on for the first turn, to help speed things up.

The second picture as you can see is the same board but with a lot more models on it. This is what the game looked like during turn 2 (Hard to tell expect for the thunderhawk in the picture)