Battle for Rikal IV

Do you enjoy reading large indepth battle reports? Look no further and download the entire PDF of the Battle of Rikal IV here!

You can find the playtest rules for game 3 here

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Tycho and Terminators

Yesterday I had a wonderful idea to add in Tycho to our upcoming mega battle on the 30th which included him not being "quite" dead from Armageddon. Instead he was left with nothing more than a fragmented memory and a hatred for the orks that almost killed him. With no chaplain to guide him he gathered a few remaining soldiers to leave that world to hunt out any green skins he could find

It is on Rikal IV that Tycho found his target

For this conversion I took Tycho's head and cut it off because I think his model is garbage. Kit-bashing a new body I used the chainsaw sword from the vanguard box and a combi-melta from another model I wasnt using. Painting was fairly easy as I knew he would be in death company colors. I partially hand drew the banner followed by a huge skull decal from the baneblade sheet. The end result is below!

In other painting news I finished up the last of my terminators. The opposing side is bringing 5 gargantuan squiggoths so I desperately needed something to kill them with.

...Enter Terminator squad: black

That's it for now. If you're interested in the playtest rules for the final battle for Rikal IV just follow the link at the top of the blog

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Master of the Forge Detonious

Took me a little while but I finished my custom master of the forge.

He's going to be a minor character in the final battle for Rikal IV that we're having on the 30th. You can find his stats by clicking on the LINK in the last blog post

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Final Stand rules

I have been hard at work writing up the rules for my next mega battle named "Final Stand". In this the Blood Angels are pushed back to their last stronghold and must either destroy all the assaulting orks and chaos or die trying. Here are the rules, however parts are missing such as secret objectives

To see the rules click here