Battle for Rikal IV

Do you enjoy reading large indepth battle reports? Look no further and download the entire PDF of the Battle of Rikal IV here!

You can find the playtest rules for game 3 here

Friday, July 10, 2009

'ard boyz army list

Ive decided to take eldar once again for the first round of the 'ard boyz (3 years in a row now). Unfortunately the Eldar are much weaker compared to the newer armies but I firmly believe that I can still do very well with them because Im preparing for my areas meta games

The con of the eldar, in my opinion, are as follows

Poor infantry models
Poor CC except for jetlocks
Poor troops in general (Not very resilient)

Able to capture objectives rapidly
good concentration of fire
amazing anti-squadron units

Knowing that I decided on the following list

Farseer on jetbike
8x warlocks on jetbikes

8 fire dragons (exarch with tank hunter and crack shot) + wave serpent TL BL
8 fire dragons (exarch with tank hunter and crack shot) + wave serpent TL BL

10 dire avengers (exarch with bladestorm) + wave serpent with dual cannons
10 dire avengers (exarch with bladestorm) + wave serpent with dual cannons
5 jetbikes + 1 warlock (embolden)

Fire prism (holofields, star engines)
Fire prism (holofields, star engines)
Fire prism

The basic strategy here is concentration of firepower on units I need to die first.. You dont NEED to zoom up and suicide yourself with Eldar .. All you gotta do is outlast them. I gave the fire prisms star engines and holofields so they can contest late game and annoy the hell out of people

I took the warlocks to surround transports and kill everyone inside with fire dragons

Mission 1 strategy

First or second turn? Second due to night fight and objectives

Deployment will be refused flank and I plan to hit them hard on a single flank and possibly then retreat to hold more objectives while using the serpents and prisms to contest

Due to only having to have more objectives it lets my jetbike squadron stay in reserve until hopefully turn 3.. Then with the warlock they most likely will not fall back

I think to win at this mission you need to be conservative with Eldar because you have to win the KP game as well as the objective game to score a massacre

Mission 2

First or second turn? First .. Eldrad is annoying in dawn of war if you go first since you then dictate where their 3 units set up (or 0 if they stay in reserve)..

Basic strategy is to deploy a unit of dire avengers 6" from the board edge and their wave serpent empty and Eldrad. This lets you on the first turn fortune the wave serpent and then have your fire dragons walk on so that they can embark into it (Instead of in a non-fortuned one)

Its important to get your jetbikes on before their shooting so they arent set up to shoot you before you can fortune.

Eldar are fast enough that you can pretty much go anywhere they move on.. First turn night fight means going first is also better because they wont have much on the board anyway

Since this is a KP mission the strategy is fairly dependent on what they bring

Mission 3

First or second turn? First turn.. Eldrad is amazing in spearhead deployments and there is no night fight.. Getting your fortunes up before they shoot is much more useful than going second in a 2 objective mission

Basic strategy
By using eldrads ability you can either force them to commit to a side and then move away OR towards them to engage.. Also it may force them to not commit at all giving you free choice over what side you wanna hit in full force.

You will lose this game if you try to commit to both objectives imo considering you dont need to control both, only one and contest the other.. That is where the jetbikes come in and the fire prisms with star engines

as stated I plan to hopefully catch the player unprepared on a flank and hit one objective with everything

We will see how the games go!

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